Demo Account

The TP Global Demo Account

Experience risk-free trading by opening a forex demo trading account right away!

Open forex demo accounts and get started with virtual trading with TPG Trader. All you need to do is sign up with us to create an account for yourself and experience the know-how of investment and trading. Add money to your wallet without any glitches and clear all your doubts regarding forex trading as we are among the leading platforms in the industry.

Standard Account

Our standard account will provide you with a complete trading experience and in-depth market knowledge.

Cent Account

If you don’t want to begin with a bigger market, you can get a cent account to start low and safe.

ECN Account

An ECN Account is the most popular among traders nowadays as it facilitates super tight trade spread.

ECN Zero Account

If you are just learning the basics, you can choose the ECM zero account that comes without commission and requotes.

Get started following these easy steps


Log in to MyTP Global portal and get yourself registered.


Select the type of account you want to open with us and choose the 'demo account' option.


That's it! You are all ready to begin trading without any risk and learn the basics of forex trading and the market.

Demo Trading Account: What does it mean?

Do you know what a demo account is? Well, it’s a type of account provided by trading platforms that are filled with fictitious funds and allow potential customers to test the trading platform and its functionality before opting to open a real account. A wide range of e-trading platforms, such as foreign currency trading forums, stock trading platforms, and commodity exchanges, provide the feature of opening a forex demo account.

A forex demo account allows prospective investors to gain a feel for real-world trading procedures and learn what to look for when trading real-world assets and stocks. If you are an aspiring investor, Forex Demo trading accounts allow you to practise handling genuine trading accounts. We also offer reliable demo account services.

Stay ahead of the curve

No need to worry, as you can simply open forex demo accounts with TPG Trader to leave all your confusion behind! We are saying this because a demo trading account is beneficial to newcomers to the trading world and also to experienced traders who wish to attempt trading in a distinct asset class. 

You can get started with a free forex demo account if you wish to discover the various features of internet trading. A free forex demo account can help you in many ways, such as enlightening you with trading techniques, clearing your doubts, and providing you with real-world experience, so start a forex demo account now!


Vantage FX swap-free accounts are designed for those traders who cannot pay or receive swaps due to religious convictions. Traders of the Muslim religion can benefit from this type of account.
You must fill up a short online application form and submit the needed ID papers if you want to open a Vantage FX Swap-Free account.
You can make your initial deposit as soon as your Vantage Swap-Free trading account is opened. Just select your preferred deposit method using the Client Portal, and you’re done!

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